Basavraj Patil Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital

“Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It’s about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life.” — Shakuntala Devi”

Fundamental Education is necessary upon which we build tomorrow and our aim must be to build diversity and excellence into the education system such that every goal is achieved with immense confidence. We believe that education transforms individuals and benefits the entire community. The HKDET’s Basavaraj Patil Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Humnabad is committed to the pursuit of excellence, innovations in academia and Oral health care services. This is possible only by fostering a conclusive educational environment and promoting holistic development programs to meet country needs through exploring new frontiers.

M.L.C.Govt.of Karnataka Chief Trustee
HKDET s Trust, S.V.E.Trust